The sword-bearing mermaid is one of the oldest symbols of Polish mythology. This bare-chested beauty is a symbol of Warsaw, as she is its protector. Warsaw was once an underwater metropolis hidden from the rest of Europe. It was the Germans with their advanced U-boats who were able to conquer the submerged city in WWII. Scholars often debate on the demise of the great mermaid. Legend has it that she died in a great underwater battle, her sword and shield being no match for German torpedoes. Recent photographs and journals of fisherman tell a different story. The Roman Polska Tuna Company is believed to have caught and processed the great mermaid, mistaking her for a mere dolphin, to only later realize their great mistake. We may never know the real story. So, whether or not she resided in the stomachs of our Polish grandfathers, the great mermaid certainly lives on in our hearts. PETA has demanded a written apology from the Roman Polska Tuna Company. Since then PETA has realized that they only matter to high-school dropouts in Hollywood and will never receive such an apology.
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